You can cancel requests you raised initially. By default, you only have permission to raise a cancellation request to technicians. The Administrator can grant you permission to cancel your requests by yourself.
Go to the details page of the request you wish to cancel.
On the toolbar, click Cancel.
In the pop-up window, select the reason for cancellation. If your reason is not displayed, select Others from the drop-down and enter your reason in the text box that appears.
Click Update.
A Cancellation Raised stamp will appear on the request details page, where the request will be marked with the icon beside the subject.
If the cancellation request is approved, the request moves to Canceled status. If rejected, the request will resume its workflow.
You can revoke the cancellation request by clicking Revoke Cancellation requested on the Cancellation Raised stamp. Enter your reason for revoking your cancellation request on the pop-up window and click Update.