Milestones help you track the progress of a project. Milestones are critical events involving major deliverables, checkpoints, course corrections, high-priority tasks, and the like, within a project. They are intermediate goals of a project. Milestones also help you group related tasks and establish a clear sequence of task completion.
To add milestones, you need Project Admin, Project Manager, or other roles with explicit permissions.
To define the milestones for a project, open a project. Navigate to Milestones and click Add Milestone. Fill out the milestone details, assign an owner, schedule the milestone, provide other required information, and click Save.
Milestone Details Page: On clicking a milestone, you will be directed to the milestone details page. It contains the following tabs:
Details: You can check the milestone information under the Details tab and update them as required. Click Edit on the menu bar for global edit.
Tasks: After adding a milestone, you can break down the milestone into smaller pieces of work as tasks. You can either add tasks under Tasks or use the Actions drop-down. In addition, you can sequence tasks using Task Dependency.
Comments: You can add comments to the milestone under Comments or use the Actions drop-down, and also view the comments shared during the milestone collaboration.
Time Sheet: Records and exports the time spent by the project members on milestone tasks.
History: You can view all milestone-related activities.
Besides navigating through different tabs, you can use the right panel to check milestones at a glance. You can also view project associations on the right panel.
Besides Edit and Actions, the menu bar provides buttons to close and delete milestones and to view task dependency.
Milestone List View
On the milestone list view page, besides adding milestones, you can perform actions like edit, pick up, assign, organize, close, search, and delete milestones. You can use Table Settings to specify the number of records to be displayed per page and sort them by different columns.
Tasks are discrete pieces of work, which can be scheduled and assigned to help desk users. Tasks allow a project or a milestone to be broken down into manageable chunks of work. They help project managers and team leaders monitor the progress of projects easily.
To create tasks, you need Project Admin, Project Manager, Team Leader, or other roles with explicit permissions. You can add tasks to a project or a project milestone using Add Task. You can either create the task from the ground up or use a predefined template. Fill out task details, assign an owner, set priority, schedule the task, provide other information, and click Save.
The task will be added to the list view. Click the task to view its complete details and perform actions.
Task Details Page:
Under Details, you can view and update the task information as required. Click Task Dependency to view the dependant tasks. Click Worklog to view the time records of project members working on tasks. Add your ideas or suggestions under Comments. Alternately, you can perform these actions under the Actions drop-down. You can view all task-related actions under History.
Besides navigating through different tabs, you can check task information at a glance. You can also monitor the task progress and view the task's project and milestone associations here.
Besides Edit and Actions, the menu bar provides buttons to close and delete tasks and to view dependency.
Task List View
On the task list view page, besides adding tasks, you can perform actions like edit, trigger, pick up, assign owner, assign milestone, close, and delete tasks. You can also search for tasks and use Table Settings to specify the number of records to be displayed per page and sort them by different columns.
You can view the total time spent by project members on various tasks of a project. You can also export the time sheet as a PDF.
To accelerate the project, you have to add efficient team members and define their roles.
Role Required: Project Manager, Project Admin, or other roles with explicit permissions.
To add members to a project, open it and navigate to Members. Click Add Member, select project members from the list, assign the project role, and click Save. You can also assign the project role to member from the members list view. Select a project member, click Assign Project Role and select a role.
You can add your ideas and feedback to the project under Comments. You can also add images, videos, and links to the comment.